BAND V2: Everything you need to know about Alert and Return-To-Work Notifications

What are Alerts?
An Alert is used to indicate when a User exceeds an Alert Threshold. Many organizations use Alerts to determine if a User is at risk of overexertion and should take a break.
How to Set and Trigger Alert Thresholds
In order to understand Alert Notifications, you must first know how Alert Thresholds are set. Alert Thresholds are set in a User's Loadout. Each User has one Loadout that specifies how their BAND V2 operates. By default, all User's are assigned a Loadout called "Default", which can be edited by your organization's Admins on the Organization page. On each Loadout, there is a table called "Biometric Alert Thresholds" that specifies the Alert Thresholds.

In the example above, there are two Alert Thresholds set.
- The first Alert Threshold in the table is Low Severity and will trigger when any User with this Loadout exceeds a Heart Rate greater than 180 BPM for 3 minutes.
- The second Alert Threshold is High Severity and will trigger when any User with this Loadout exceeds a core temperature geater than 39 degrees Celcius for 4 minutes.
Note: SlateSafety is not recommending the use of these specific Alert Thresholds.
Who Receives Alert Notifications and How?
With BAND V2:
- the wearer receives notifications directly on their arm,
- and Notification Contacts receive notifications via email or text message
Biometric Alert Thresholds can be tagged as either "High Severity" or "Low Severity".
Return-To-Work Thresholds are explained in detail later in this article, but they quantify the metrics necessary to clear a worker so that they can "return-to-work" after triggering a Biometric Alert.
Other types of alerts such as No Movement Alerts and Tap Alerts are always tagged as "High Severity".
Here is an example of a Biometric Alert Thresholds Table showing two alert thresholds. The highlighted threshold is tagged "High Severity". Because this alert threshold has been labeled as High Severity, whenever a User triggers this Alert, their BAND V2 will show red LEDs and vibrate in four pulses.
There is a BAND Feedback table located on the Organization Page > Settings Tab, which displays the feedback that will be emitted to the wearer when different thresholds are triggered. This table is also shown below.

Notification Contacts
Notification Contacts are set in the Notification Contacts table, which is on the Organization page. As seen below, Notification Contacts can be configured to only receive certain types of Notifications such as "High Severity Alerts" or receive Notifications from certain Groups.

Alert Cooldowns
Once triggered, Biometric Alert Thresholds will not trigger again for a User until the User drops below that specific Biometric Alert Threshold for at least one minute.
There is no cooldown for Tap Alerts.
No Movement Alerts can trigger back-to-back but do require movement between alerts.
Return-To-Works will only trigger once after one or more Biometric Alert Thresholds have triggered.

What are Return-To-Works?
After a Biometric Alert Threshold has triggered, a Return-To-Work Notification is used to indicate when a User is back below certain thresholds. Many organizations use Return-To-Works to determine if a User is adequately rested and ready to return to work.
How to Set and Trigger Return-To-Work Thresholds
Similar to Biometric Alert Thresholds, Return-To-Work Thresholds are set in each Loadout. An example table is shown below.

For a Return-To-Work Notification to trigger, the User must:
- Have at least one Return-To-Work Threshold configured in their Loadout.
- Have recently triggered a Biometric Alert.
- Meet the criteria for ALL Return-To-Work Thresholds. Looking at the example table above, the User must satisfy BOTH a Heart Rate less than 120 BPM for 5 at least minutes AND a Core Temp less than 38C for at least 5 minutes. Both of these Thresholds must be met simultaneously.
Note: SlateSafety is not recommending the use of these specific Return-To-Work Thresholds.
Who Receives Return-To-Work Notifications and How?
Just like with Alert Notifications, the wearer receives Return-To-Work Notifications directly on their arm and Notification Contacts receive emails or text messages to their mobile devices whenever a Return-To-Work is triggered. Whenever the User triggers a Return-To-Work, their BAND V2 will show green LEDs and vibrate in two pulses.
Return-To-Work Cooldowns
Once triggered, a Return-To-Work will not trigger again for a User until the User triggers another Biometric Alert Threshold and satisfies all Return-To-Work Thresholds again.