BAND V2: Low Battery Notifications
BAND V2 now supports the ability to setup Low Battery Notifications that will trigger unique haptic feedback on the wearer and can also notify alert contacts via SMS and email.
When does a low battery notification trigger?
Low battery notifications will trigger when a BAND V2 is being worn and drops below 5% battery remaining.
How do I enable low battery notifications on the BAND V2?
Toggle low battery notifications in the Loadout settings on the Organization Page.
How can a supervisor receive low battery notifications?
Navigate to the Organization Page, then click on the Contacts Tab. Create a new Contact or edit an existing Contact. Ensure the Notifications Filter is either "All" or "Selected" and includes "Band Low Battery".
What do low battery notifications look like?
When a low battery notification is triggered, the BAND V2 will flash blue LEDs and emit 5 haptic feedback pulses in a heartbeat pattern.
Please watch the video below.