What are Anonymous BANDs?

In the SlateSafety Platform, Anonymous BANDs are BAND V2s that are worn but not assigned to any user. Essentially, Anonymous BANDs are “Unassigned BANDS”. 

Why might there be an Anonymous BAND?

Organizations may purposefully not assign BANDs to users in order to keep them anonymous. Also, it is common to accidentally forget to assign a BAND. In both cases, the BAND will show up as anonymous on the SlateSafety Platform.

How can I tell an assigned BAND versus an Anonymous BAND?

Assigned BANDs will typically label the card with the assigned user’s name (e.g. Todd White). In contrast, anonymous BANDs will always be referred to by their BAND ID (e.g. Band 6) and have an icon resembling a user with a slash.

Do Anonymous BANDs record data?

Yes. Anonymous BANDs record data that is not tied to any user profile. This data can still be viewed on the History Page and analyzed on the Insights Page.

NOTE: Because Anonymous BANDs do not have a user profile attached, metrics that require Age (e.g. HRLV) will be inaccurate. While it may be more convenient to avoid entering personal data, there is a cost. Without this personal data, Anonymous BANDs will have to use a “Default” profile (age, height, weight, sex) which likely does not resemble everyone on your team.

An example of recorded core temperature data from two Anonymous BANDs

Do Anonymous BANDs send alerts/notifications?

Yes. Anonymous BANDs can still record and transmit alerts and return-to-work notifications. However, these won’t be tied to a user.

An example of a TapAlert triggered by an Anonymous BAND

What alert thresholds and features will Anonymous BANDs have?

Anonymous BANDs will use your organization’s “Default” Loadout. This means that Anonymous BANDs will use the alert thresholds and features that are configured in your Default Loadout.

Organization Page Loadouts Tab

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