How do I update my BAND V2's firmware version?
In order to receive the latest features for your BAND V2 it's important to make sure the device has the latest firmware version. To make sure your device has the latest version of firmware please place your device on charger in an area that will receive good cell service. The BAND V2 will update automatically during different periods of the day.
Can I update my BANDs over a GATEWAY if I do not have an area with good cell service?
Yes. You can use SlateSafety GATEWAYs instead of cell to update your BANDs, but if so your BANDs will not update automatically so please contact SlateSafety support.
My device doesn't seem to be updating. I've had it on the charger for a while but the last transmission time still shows a long time ago?
On some older versions of firmware it can be tricky to get devices that have been in long time storage a while to connect (another great reason to make sure your devices are up to date!). Typically a BAND V2 reboot helps. To get a BAND V2 to reboot, connect it to a charger and then remove it from the charger ten times within ten seconds. If reboot successfully, you will see the BAND V2's LEDs turn off for several seconds after being connected to the charger for the tenth time.
After completing a device reboot, you should be able to see a more recent, 'Last Transmission' time. The devices should update to the latest firmware version after this.
My device is still not updating. What should I do?
If your BAND is still not updating, then contact SlateSafety support and we will help you out.
Where do I find the my device firmware version?
1. Login and navigate to the Organization Page.
2. Once on the Organization Page, find the BANDs tab.
3. Finally, look for the device and view the column 'Version' to see what firmware the device is currently running.